- http://bit.ly/ax9fMy. Nice to see my -ahem- biases confirmed. Mirror neurons & empathy were always the key to understanding bigotry. #
Archive for the ‘Tweets’ Category
Twitter Updates for 2010-04-30
Friday, April 30th, 2010Twitter Updates for 2010-04-15
Thursday, April 15th, 2010- Keep anti-environment crusader Sarah Palin off #Discovery: http://bit.ly/bmUK4w (via @CREDOmobile) Pls RT #
Twitter Updates for 2010-04-11
Sunday, April 11th, 2010- Tina on SNL. Awesome. #
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-31
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010- Lovely. The difference between Nerd, Dork & Geek explained by a Venn Diagram. http://bit.ly/cX7Z2A vry much on the $$. (via @timoreilly) #
Twitter Updates for 2010-03-26
Friday, March 26th, 2010- the free @digg app's here for iphone! they're giving out 1 custom colorware ipad each day for 2 weeks to celebrate! http://bit.ly/diggapp #