Archive for the ‘Tweets’ Category

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-20

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-18

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-15

Monday, March 15th, 2010
  • Attended Nevada City's rally for Googlebit. Great fun, great people, great town, truly deserving of copious broadband goodness. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-11

Thursday, March 11th, 2010
  • High interest in Asperger's Syndrome after a TV show, caused a rash of searches on Google. Hilariously, many searched for 'Assburgers Syndrome'. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-03-09

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010
  • Affogato with mint chip gelato… Awesome! #