- Just added my call for clean energy to the @RepowerAmerica wall. Check out the 1000s already shared. http://tr.im/thewall #
Archive for the ‘Tweets’ Category
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-06
Friday, November 6th, 2009Twitter Updates for 2009-10-30
Friday, October 30th, 2009- @christinahills people. people. in reply to christinahills #
Twitter Updates for 2009-10-26
Monday, October 26th, 2009Twitter Updates for 2009-10-24
Saturday, October 24th, 2009- Chicken Pakora at India Oven in Grass Valley. Mmmm. #
- Sweden is now putting greenhouse gas emmission data on food packaging. They are so much cooler than us. #
- Food Label Program to Suspend Operations http://bit.ly/3UrsaI (via @nytimes) #
Twitter Updates for 2009-10-17
Saturday, October 17th, 2009- Killer headcold. So I'm killing time by going to that Zombie movie… Since I feel like one. No desire to eat brains tho'… Yet! #