Archive for the ‘Tweets’ Category

Twitter Updates for 2009-08-13

Thursday, August 13th, 2009
  • I am in favor of single-payer… We all get healthcare, and a single bill goes to Rupert Murdoch! #
  • @laughingsquid I've used freshbooks since Jan. I like it! in reply to laughingsquid #
  • Bug in tweetie, can't cancel a reply! #

Twitter Updates for 2009-08-12

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009
  • One of my clients still has Win98. Wow. I was young, then. #
  • My latest site design (great resource for loan modification, not a rip-off). Local Nevada Co. #

Twitter Updates for 2009-08-11

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Twitter Updates for 2009-08-05

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009
  • @ChaffinOrchards… yeah, Flour Garden seems big on that, too. Good stuff! #
  • @TalktoTom… not elect Republicans, that's what. #
  • Life is just nature's way of keeping meat fresh #

Twitter Updates for 2009-08-04

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009
  • Mac user group meeting tonite at 7 pm Madelyn Helling Community Room, Nevada City, CA #
  • Mac user group at 7pm. Nevada City Library. Everyone welcome. #