- @ghall49 You can’t, you just keep trying to squeeze new things into the old paradigm, ie “The Internet is a series of tubes.” in reply to ghall49 #
Archive for the ‘Tweets’ Category
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-07
Sunday, June 7th, 2009Twitter Updates for 2009-06-02
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009- Sierra Mousetrap Mac User Group, tonight @ 7. In Nevada City. Http://sierramousetrap.org #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-02
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009- Sierra Mousetrap Mac User Group, tonight @ 7. In Nevada City. Http://sierramousetrap.org #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-31
Sunday, May 31st, 2009- Sierra Mousetrap Meeting Monday, June 1, 2009 in Nevada City, CA: http://sierramousetrap.org #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-29
Friday, May 29th, 2009- Upgrading a client on Concrete5. Seems like a huge upload, I wonder why it’s so much bigger than, say, WordPress. #
- @Honopu For a fixed-width page, centering seems to make people with wide screens happy. I usually do a 780-900 pixel wide design, centered. in reply to Honopu #