Twitter Updates for 2010-01-08

January 8th, 2010

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-05

January 5th, 2010
  • TinyMCE or CK Editor? #

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-31

December 31st, 2009
  • Ever stare at a project, not able to find a way to get started? That's me, today. I just need to find a small part… #

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-26

December 26th, 2009
  • To my few followers: here's to a happy holiday… And all the best in the new year. #
  • Happiness is giving your sibs iPhone lessons. The wonder and joy is palpable. "I can do that? Wow!" #

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-11

December 11th, 2009
  • I just used Sierra College's New MySierra to apply… Pretty awesomely awful user experience. #