- @jsnell Like Potty Horror, and the Chamber of Porcelain? in reply to jsnell #
- Do accountants listen to the invoices in their heads? #
- or is this better: "Do accountants listen to the invoices their heads" Too confusing swapping "voices in" with "in voices"? A/B testing… #
Twitter Updates for 2009-08-03
August 3rd, 2009Twitter Updates for 2009-08-02
August 2nd, 2009Twitter Updates for 2009-07-31
July 31st, 2009- @timoreilly Totally. Wells keeps redirecting me to mortgage salesman, instead of loan adjusters. Their "special rates" aren't even very good in reply to timoreilly #
- Lethargy loves company. #
- Microhoo: two who fail at Internet innovation, combine forces to fail some more. Yippee. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-30
July 30th, 2009- Waugh! Comcast's broadband in Lake Wildwood has been SO flakey lately. The heat? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-29
July 29th, 2009- Looking at Cake PHP framework. Doing a project in Zend Framework, too. Cake looks easier. #