WordPress iPhone App

April 16th, 2009

It’s really cool using this Worspress app on the iPhone. But, I tried taking a series of photos (7) then posting, and it crashes repeatedly. It even forced a reboot. So, back to one at a time.

A Beautiful Day in DC

April 16th, 2009

Bread & Chocolate Cafe. Yum!

Arrived in Baltimore

April 16th, 2009

Waiting for the b30 bus to the metro.

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-13

April 13th, 2009
  • RT: @mike_stelzner Social Media Marketing Industry Report (Free) http://cli.gs/QYEpY2 #smreport #
  • Doing some work at my wife’s new office, while she sets up her cubicle. Out in the Natomas wastelands, N of Sacto. #
  • Tweet from Nevada County.com #

All about Twitter

April 12th, 2009
