- I just gave 5 stars to a Meetup for The Sacramento Web Developers Group http://meetu.ps/3KLS #
- I'm going to a Meetup with The Sacramento Web Developers Group! http://meetu.ps/4QPj #
Twitter Updates for 2010-11-22
November 22nd, 2010Twitter Updates for 2010-11-19
November 19th, 2010- I'm going to a Meetup with The Sacramento Web Developers Group! http://meetu.ps/4zdX #
WordPress Screencasts
November 11th, 2010I’m planning to revise some existing WordPress screencasts and add add more. The current collection takes beginning users through an orientation, then shows how to create posts. Now it’s time to go into more depth on each feature. I’m planning to do a few more in this sequence, showing first how to embed video from FaceBook, and moving on to some other ‘once-over-lightly’ subjects to round out the first 10 videos.
Any feedback is welcome.
Twitter Updates for 2010-11-10
November 10th, 2010- @Malarkey: Agree to use JS only where CSS fails: Transitions and movement. When I must jQuery a style I note it in the CSS, in a comment. in reply to Malarkey #
- http://whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com/?q=23 – Lifted restrictions granting Cuban Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and s… #
Twitter Updates for 2010-11-09
November 9th, 2010- Steve Martin's gospel song for atheists http://t.co/VWQDiTW via @boingboing #
- Linotype: The Film http://t.co/t2CiiTC via @boingboing #
- Gapminder Desktop – http://t.co/lc8qVoz http://t.co/j5BVs1N via @AddThis #