Archive for the ‘WordPress ScreenCasts’ Category

WordPress for Absolute Beginners:
the Tour (2 of 4)

Monday, September 13th, 2010

In this video, we continue the tour with a quick look at the admin area, and we look at a variety of site designs that introduces a range of visual designs, purposes and site structures.

Hover over the video as it is playing to control volume, etc. You can click the “Full Screen” icon while the video is playing, to see a full screen view which is much easier to follow.

WordPress for Absolute Beginners:
the Tour (1 of 4)

Monday, September 13th, 2010

In this introduction to WordPress 3, I cover the major parts of a WordPress website. This video is 5 minutes long.

Hover over the video as it is playing to control volume, etc. You can click the “Full Screen” icon while the video is playing, to see a full screen view which is much easier to follow.

A small apology… this was my first screencast on this subject, and there are a lot of “ums” and awkward pauses. I’ll try to reshoot this later, but just note that later videos are a lot better, in this respect.

WordPress for Absolute Beginners: Videos

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

I talk a lot about WordPress. I’ve developed websites since 1994, and WordPress is the single best tool for websites that I’ve found. The reasons are subtle and non-obvious; While it’s easy for people to learn (relatively), and thereby gives a small business a great way to communicate via the web without having a dedicated HTML jockey on staff, that’s not the main impact. The main impact is that it is Search Engine Catnip!

The first few ScreenCasts I made are a simple introduction to WordPress. Each is only 5 minutes, and they are just me voicing-over a tour of WordPress in a web browser. They’re bite-size and painless, and create an overview.

Now, I’ve continued the series actually guiding you into logging-in, and creating Posts. I’m planning two more in the immediate future that cover the Editor features.

The Next Videos in the Series:

Getting Logged-in. 5th Video on

Editing and creating posts: 6th Video on

The posting process: 7th Video on

THE PREVIOUS POST, with links to the first 4 Videos is here.

Introduction to WordPress ScreenCasts

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

I talk a lot about WordPress. I’ve developed websites since 1994, and WordPress is the single best tool for websites that I’ve found. The reasons are subtle and non-obvious; While it’s easy for people to learn (relatively), and thereby gives a small business a great way to communicate via the web without having a dedicated HTML jockey on staff, that’s not the main impact. The main impact is that it is Search Engine Catnip!

This first series of ScreenCasts I’ve made are a simple introduction to WordPress. Each is only 5 minutes, and they are just me voicing-over a tour of WordPress in a web browser. They’re bite-size and painless.

The second series will actually guide you into creating Posts and Pages, placing photos, embedding content from sites like YouTube, and so on.

Series One: Intro to WordPress

  1. Introduction to WordPress… this 5 minute video shows you some basic WordPress parts. Click here for the 1st Video on
  2. A quick look at editing a Post, and  some different site designs with WordPress as the core publishing engine. 2nd Video on
  3. Basic parts of a WordPress blog on a mature site. Note that the last few words are cut off in this video. I said “…and that’s critically important to being found on the Search Engines. 3rd Video on
  4. Growing your site content and the impact on traffic and getting found. 4th Video on

[Click here for the next 3 in the series]

In later series, I’ll gradually introduce you in-depth to these features and concepts behind them… I’d like your opinion of these screencasts, please comment!